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Action Dog Sports offers a wide variety of classes

Action Dog Sports Winter 2019 class notes




Thank you for contacting Action Dog Sports.  We have lots of fun classes and events for you and your dog. Here is a brief breakdown of what we offer.



Most competition classes and private lessons are taught by Daneen Fox.  While we have intro and beginning agility classes going throughout the year, these are ongoing competition level classes that build upon themselves. We do have a couple of classes that are open to drop ins like the weaves classes. We welcome anyone to come and audit a class to see what it is all about.

Two new classes starting soon:

Intro to agility - Monday nights we are offering 2 different times 4:30 - 5:30 & 5:30 - 6:30 6 week course $130 - Class started 1/21/19 Still ok to come to this class - Instructor: Kaela Morris

Beg. Puppy agility - Day and time TBD but looking at March/April 2019 - Daneen Fox



Ongoing Monday evening classes are taught by Michelle Durham.

Classes are $30/dog.

Class times:  Beginning / Foundation class - 5:00 - 6:30; Advanced/ Skills class - 6:30 - 8:00.  Class size is limited to 10 dogs/class.

Save your spot by signing up here --->

After you “select a date” click on register to choose your class time.

Monthly clinics and private lessons taught by Michael & Natalie McManus - sign ups and info on these contact Michael & Natalie.



Classes for all levels are available, taught by Jinny Chow.  Classes are $25/class.

Private lessons are available also.


New beginning obedience class will be starting shortly, please let us know if you would like to be contacted with the details, what level you are at and what your goals are (well behaved pet to competition all levels available).  Class size is limited to 6 dogs, contact Julie to sign up.


New rally classes, all levels, will be  starting shortly. Please let us know if you would like to be contacted with details, and  what level you are at (no experience to Master level can be accomodated). Class size is limited to 6 dogs, contact Julie to sign up.



We offer ongoing Tuesday and Wednesday evening classes  5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. winter hours

Class is $20 and each dog gets 3 runs. Arrive when you can no but  later than 7:00 p.m.

 Sign up for this class here --->

All levels and drop-ins welcome! Dogs all love this fun sport.   Taught by Julie Sandoval


We also host Trials, clinics and seminars - Agility, Barn Hunt, Scent Work, FAST CAT, Rally & Tracking  

A couple of important notes:


1)The best way to reach us is

  1. Facebook messenger : Julie Sandoval

  2. Email:

  3. Phone: 818-399-6778


2)Please check the ADS Calendar before you head out to a class, in case we have to cancel a class we update the calendar as soon as we know. We also post to FB and the remind app but it is a good habit to check the calendar. ACTION DOG SPORTS CALENDAR


3)We are inside of Nozaki nursery at the end of Broadway Rd.

Once you enter the gate, veer to your right and then at the cone, make a right, go down the long dirt driveway and you will see Stone Pony Ranch.


4)We are excited to be using this new way of communicating with all of you. It is called Remind and the cool thing is you can join one or all of the "classes" that apply to you. This will allow us to text or email you any reminders or updates such as class cancellations or trials closing etc.

Here are the different links for each "class"


Agility classes -

Agility trials -


Scent Work Trials -

Scent Work Classes -


Barn Hunt Trials -

Barn Hunt Classes -


Agility Trials - Weekday Wing Ding Agility Trials - Smaller - Friendlier- Funner

You can find information on upcoming WWDAT Agility trials, premiums, results, links for photos from past trials at


Scent Work Trials - USCSS & AKC Scent Work Trials

You can find a list and information on all of our upcoming scent work trials as well as results, links to video and photos and premiums at


We hope to see you and your dog enjoying one of our fun classes or events!!

Thank you

Julie & Daneen

Action Dog Sports

Making a difference through attitude, education and common sense!!!

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Action Dog Sports~Moorpark, CA  ~ Agility, Scent Work, Barn Hunt, Rally/OB, Fast Cat & Dash Dogs

Classes, Training And Event Center serving Los Angeles and Ventura Counties

© 2012-2020 by Action Dog Sports LLC. Proudly created with

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